
Translation: Mélodie Duplessis

Narration: Mélodie Duplessis

0:00 3:45



Despite all the differences among nations, animals bring us together through their symbolic nature; they are a common language of the territory. From generation to generation we share the story of the bear, the wolf, the porcupine, the raven and the whale in several nations and according to different features, but always based on the knowledge and powers of the beast.

Traditionally, many claimed that we all had an animal ancestor and that it determined the clan to which we belonged, lending us in passing its abilities, its strength, and this very special bond with the territory. In addition, some legends claimed that our survival depended on the spirit of the hunted animals.

In some way, the animals are our point of origin. They are the ones who, by their sacrifices and teachings, have shaped us.

A legend is timeless. It is part of a past era set in a vaporous space where dreams and poems are woven. A legend recalls the time when animals were similar to humans. It considers the whimsical appearance and disappearance of spirits, done without any apparent reason, a natural occurrence. It is not rational. It is colorful and spirited.

A legend is alive. A legend teaches us what we must know. It tells us about our creators, supernatural heroes, friends, enemies and situates us on earth and in heaven. A legend is a spirit’s friend, an ally to wisdom, an assistant to memory. It is tragic, humoristic, frightening or reassuring. It is philosophical, dishonest, provocative, shameless spiritual or frivolous. It has all of the world’s qualities and flaws.

A legend is essential. We can not live without the euphoria, surprise, sadness and knowledge we are provided by these stories. They turn the world into tales.

Plentiful like the trees of the forest, myths of the world's creation are abundant and come in several versions. While different, they are similar. Every nation, every community, every family has its version.

Legends have diverse subjects : creation of planets and the earth, conflicts and wars, love, lust, gluttony, sloth, deception, pilferage, ghosts, monstrous creatures, wicked sorcerers or dedicated healers, altruistic or harmful animals, nourishing and medicinal plants.

Legends remind us of who we are and from which culture we come from. Besides giving life lessons, they educate on prohibitions by establishing what was acceptable or not in a given society.